Friday, July 2, 2010

To/In Tokyo

So, now, I am at Tokyo. Landing was really painful because my ears refused to pop, and now I am partially deaf, as they are still plugged. I have been awake for almost 24 hours now (not to mention I only got 4 hours of sleep the night before). There was no way to sleep on the plane; I was between two other seats. Just to relieve my pain, I ended up going to the bathroom just to rest my head for 5 minutes.

In Houston, I had little problem finding the gate I was supposed to go to. On the other hand, it was a sheer miracle that I actually made it on time. The plane was delayed 30 minutes, and if it hadn't been, I'm afraid I would have missed it.
Also, the plane was both the largest and the most crowded one I have every been on (which isn't much to say). Every seat was full, and there was three seats along the sides, and five along the middle, with two first class areas, and two business class sections after that.

On the plane, the service was awesome--extremely professional. Of course, all seats had little televisions, each of which could stream from the 200+ movies, 100+ shows, and 25+ games on the main computer. Around every two to three hours, the flight attendants would come around with food and drinks. The eight bathrooms were always full.

The movie database contained everything from Casablanca to Finding Nemo. My first movie was Holes, which I heard was a simple, yet entertaining movie--and it was. Other than that, I could not find any other decent non-Pixar films, so I watched parts of The Book of Eli, which was too gory for my taste, Star Trek, which I forgot to finish, the live action Death Note, which was basically the same as the series, and a few clips from What Not to Wear, just so that I could know what it was like.

I also decided to talk to some people. On the plane, I sat between two ladies. The one on my left was a 20+ girl who didn't talk and slept under her blanket the whole trip (to my envy, as she had the wall to lean against, and I had no comfortable position to sleep). The one on my right was an older woman from India who had been living in Houston with her husband and was on the way to Singapore where she would meet him (her husband is an engineer and has as short term job in Singapore). While talking to her, I found that she has 4 children, the last of which is a senior in high school, and that she has lived in Japan before (she described it as a safe and beautiful place with cherry blossoms everywhere and that Japanese are a very shy but polite people). I learned a few other things I found while we were chatting, such as that her son just got married, but I don't remember the details. She also had managed to get very special service for food--a vegan tray for every meal served. After getting off the plane, I met a guy in while in customs. He was from Taiwan, and was going to Arizona to join professional basketball there--his dream. While waiting for my next plane, I met and older American couple from Florida, who were going to see their kid in Taiwan, who about to have a kid and is a missionary.

That is all I have for now. I'll try to get the next post up soon.

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